Beechmont Association NEWS
Spring Bugle 2024
Summer Bugle 2018
Summer Bugle 2023
Summer Bugle 2018
Spring Bugle 2023
Summer Bugle 2018
Summer Bugle 2022
Fall Bugle 2022
Fall bugle 2022
Bugle Oct 2021
Agreement on Restrictions on Iona’s Use of the Beechmont Oval for a Softball Field with a Drained Synthetic Surface, May 2007
Winter Bugle 2021
Winter Bugle 2021
Bugle Fall 2021
Official Newsletter of the BEECHMONT ASSOCIATION
Beechmont People in the News July 2022
Beechmont Resident Dr. Darrell Wheeler New President of SUNY New Paltz
Beechmont Bugle July 2022
During recent storm, Ida, the north wall,
with the Beechmont sign, collapsed at North Avenue.
Westchester Magazine names Beechmont one of best places to live in 2012
Ask any transplant from New York City why he or she moved to Westchester, and you’ll almost always hear. “When the baby was born…
Beechmont Bugle Summer 2014
Effective October 2014, the city of New Rochelle will require all fall Leaves piled at curbside in long rows would no longer be permitted…
Beechmont Bugle January 2015
Iona College was granted a special permit and site plan approval for a multi-use building on North Avenue by New Rochelle’s Planning…
Beechmont Bugle January 2016
During January of 2015 an automobile damaged the stone wall/curbing adjacent to the Beechmont light pillar at the entrance to…
Beechmont Bugle July 2016
Beechmont president Victor Stanionis has written a 72 page booklet describing the history of Beechnont from 1902…
Iona vs New Rochelle Lawsuit related to Beechmont
This page has information on the current action Iona initiated against New Rochelle as it relates to Beechmont Most recent news on top…
Beechmont Bugle Archive
Spring Bugle 2024
Summer Bugle 2018
Summer Bugle 2023
Summer Bugle 2018
Spring Bugle 2023
Summer Bugle 2018
Summer Bugle 2018
Summer Bugle 2018
Fall Bugle 2017
Fall Bugle 2017
Summer Bugle 2020
Summer Bugle 2020
Spring Bugle 2019
Spring Bugle 2019
Beechmont Bugle Winter 2009
BEECHMONT BUGLE – online version
Beechmont Bugle Summer 2009
The Beechmont Association was asked by the City Manager to send a representative to a “focus group” meeting called by…
Beechmont Bugle June 2010
As technology advances The Beechmont Association is making a concerted effort to use it to better communicate with…
Beechmont Bugle January 2011
The Beechmont residence of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelly at 96 Pryer Terrace was awarded a 2010 New Rochelle Heritage Award on…
Beechmont Bugle Summer 2011
Joseph E. Nyre, PhD, was appointed Iona College’s eighth president on February 11, 2011. A few weeks later on…
Beechmont Bugle Winter 2012
In September 2011, the City of New Rochelle and Iona College formed committee made up of 12 voting members…
Beechmont Bugle August 2012
In 1980 using CETA (1977 Comprehensive Employment and Training Act), funds the restoration of Beechmont Lake was…
Beechmont Bugle January 2013
hurricane Sandy struck Beechmont on Monday, October 29, with high winds causing many large trees to fall in Beechmont…
Beechmont Bugle Summer 2014
Effective October 2014, the city of New Rochelle will require all fall Leaves piled at curbside in long rows would no longer be permitted…
Beechmont Bugle January 2015
Iona College was granted a special permit and site plan approval for a multi-use building on North Avenue by New Rochelle’s Planning…
Beechmont Bugle January 2016
During January of 2015 an automobile damaged the stone wall/curbing adjacent to the Beechmont light pillar at the entrance to…
Beechmont Bugle July 2016
Beechmont president Victor Stanionis has written a 72 page booklet describing the history of Beechnont from 1902…
Old News
Beechmont Association Nov. 19, 2008 DINNER DANCE
New Board being sworn in…
IONA Athletic Faciities Membership
Membership in the Iona athletic facility is also available to all Association members at Iona alumni rates in lieu of a property donation made by…
Beechmont People In the News
Iona Faculty, Dr. Penelope Moore, Recognized with AARP’s 50th Anniversary Social Impact Award – February 2009…
Beechmont Association Dues letter – 2009
Once more the Board of The Beechmont Association asks for your support, which you have so generously given in the past…
Annual Beechmont Dinner Nov. 17, 2009 Davenport Club
Any non attendee who can send in the names of all the board and advisor members shown to the left will get a free pass to next years dinner…
Beechmont Association Special Invitation Feb. 2010
Dear Beechmont Resident:
I would like to inform you of a new partnership between Iona College, the New Rochelle…